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Working together, we will develop a personalized training plan that fits both your physical needs and fitness level. We will identify incremental goals that will help you to not only embrace the process of training, but also achieve the outcomes you have identified. Collaboratively working together we will identify your strengths and tailor your workouts to build on the areas you want to improve on. Finally, with the mental and emotional components being equally important, you will have the option to incorporate mental improvement activities as well as one-on-one check-ins to help you reach your potential. 

My goal is to support you through a holistic and individualized approach to achieve physical fitness, develop a positive mindset, enhance your belief in your abilities, and immerse yourself in the process. No matter your level of ability, no matter the intensity I take a personalized approach to ensure that you can achieve the goals that you have set for yourself.  Contact me for an introduction conversation if you identify with any of the following:

  • High school athlete or college athlete looking to stay fit during the off-season

  • Competitive or recreational runner gearing for an upcoming road race or hoping to develop a longer term training plan.

  • Wanting to get into shape and live a healthy lifestyle but need some guidance and support 


If you are an athlete competing on the high school, college or elite level you have undoubtedly considered your identity as an athlete as a component of, if not core to, who you are. Athletes are often measured and judged by how they perform in the athletic setting and are taught to believe that their worth and value are derived from their athletic performance.  This is embedded in the fabric of sports culture. It is important that athletes are supported in working through the challenges of navigating and balancing their sports identity with who they are off the field.  COVID-19 has only heightened this struggle and revealed the need for increased focus on the mental, emotional and psychological needs of the athlete.

Through one-on-one mental performance coaching I work with individual athletes from high school to elite level to develop the knowledge, tools and strategies to effectively respond to external pressures, expectations and stressors. We work through understanding their “why”, harness their strengths to excel on and off the field and support them in finding joy and fulfillment in what they are doing.  If you are an athlete and would like support in any of the following areas please contact me:

  • Understand the importance of positive self-talk to our mental and psychological health and develop skills to translate this knowledge into improved performance

  • Utilize tools such as visualization, mindfulness and a personal mantra to build mental strength, focus and overcome negative chatter

  • Build emotional intelligence skills to improve self-awareness and self-management such as confidence building, coping with anxiety and tapping into their flow state.   

  • Harness athletes’ strengths to achieve individual goals and develop leadership capabilities to improve team cohesion and success

  • Recognize areas of growth and develop an action plan for progressive improvement


You dream. You plan. You reach. There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, with belief, with confidence and trust in yourself and those around you, there are no limits. 

                   - Michael Phelps


Swim Coach



As a coach developer and mentor my goal is to support coaches in becoming the most effective leader, teacher and facilitator on and off the playing field. Utilizing a learner-centered, humanistic approach I work collaboratively with coaches to:

  • Build self-awareness and understanding of their coaching philosophy (including their ideals, purpose and coaching behaviors)

  • Increase knowledge on important topics of athlete motivation, development, emotional intelligence and leadership

  • Identify areas of strength that coaches can leverage and areas of growth to improve upon

  • Integrate a reflective and action oriented process for identifying more effective coach behaviors and

  • Equip coaches with the skills and strategies to transform their practices to improve the athletic climate, the coach-athlete relationship and athlete outcomes

  • Challenge them to move out of their comfort zone and learn adaptability by presenting new and different perspectives for them to test out with their athletes.    

Just as athletes are more engaged and motivated when a coach makes the effort to connect with them individually, my approach to coach development is personalized and specific to the needs and goals that each coach presents. There are a number of different options for working with me on your personal and professional development whether you are looking for continuous engagement through weekly check-ins or a one-time topic specific session. Contact me to discuss what option is right for you. 

  1. Ongoing Coach Mentoring (unlimited access to coaching support)

  2. Weekly Sessions

  3. Single session of Coaching the Whole Athlete addressing one of the following:

    • Adopting an Athlete Centered Approach

    • Need Supportive Coaching

    • Creating a Task Oriented, Mastery Climate

    • Fostering a Reflective and Feedback Oriented Culture

    • Developing Emotional Intelligence  

    • Great Leadership = Great Coaching

    • Effectively Managing the Challenges of Coaching the Whole Athlete

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